Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Act II: The Love Letter

My dearest Ophelia,

          At first, I thought you had truly embraced our childish beginning and were simply playing games with my heart. At first, when you stopped appearing at our window I had assumed you were either faint or weak, or perhaps distracted by other affairs. At first, when you stopped wearing a daisy in your hair, I thought maybe you were testing my eyes, to see if I honestly payed attention to your efforts. But I do. I have been aware of every glance, smile, kiss, embrace. I keep them close to my heart with every nightfall and daybreak. I had began to memorize every part of you, so that I will always have you with me. But, my dearest Ophelia, I never imagined  you to truly be out of my sight. Where have you gone? Why do I have to rely on my memory to see your face? What have I done? Please Ophelia! Surely I have done nothing that would cause such a torturous punishment. I miss your voice, your love, your warmth. Tell me what have I done to deserve this! We were so joyous and true. I awoke one morning to find only your imprint next to me, and that was the start of the end of my world. You were and are my world, Ophelia.
          My days seem to lose meaning without you. Hours and minutes no longer have any presence or importance. I find myself slipping away from what is real. You were what held me to this earth! Twas you! I listen to your voice, I listen to old moments inside my head and can no longer hear anyone else. I need you Ophelia, and only you. I am desperate for at least a moment with you. You are my air, my life, my sanity. I came back to my father passed, and now an uncle-father. Everything had woven into an ever changing present - but I still had you! You were clear and constant. Please Ophelia, my daisy, return clarity to this disaster that has become my life. My heart's beats have slowed beyond any means of measuring and only you can repair my state. I love you Ophelia, I always have. How can you simply walk away? Have I no place in your heart? Have I been imagining our love? But ah!  What is real and what is not?  Is anything real, anymore? Am I? Please, Ophelia, I beg of you to come back and save me.

                                                                                              With all my love,


Jasmine Plata said...

Wow... If I was Ophelia I would definately take you back. This was adorable and I liked the language you used it really showed his desire for Ophelia back in his life again. I also like the part where you wrote that he has memorized every part of her because he no longer sees her, but he doesn't understand what he has done to rely on his memory for her. I thought that was adorable! Amazing job!

stw923 said...

Krista, I really enjoyed this. I think it is interesting that you (like so many others in your class) portray Hamlet in such a romantic way. I am under the impression that you feel that Hamlet is madly in love with Ophelia and regretful of his actions with her - as well as the actions between them. It will be interesting to see how (or even if) your opinion of Hamlet changes as we continue reading.